Sunday 20 May 2012

Mixed Occassions

We often need to do cards that are not just for a birthday, so this week I thought I would cover a few other occassions.
I loved this cute little turtle, and you never know when someone is going to be ill, I mean how can you plan such a thing.
This card is quite a simple one, many children are doing exams at the moment, so its great to wish them luck, or say well done. It could also be saved for when a child starts school or goes into another class. It seems such a long time ago since mine started school, my Samantha leaves school on Friday. Where have those years gone.
This wedding card was just gorgeuos, I haven't got a wedding to go to until next April, but its now there already done.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed making these cards...I think the turtle is my favourite!
